[541] Abū Hurayrah (رضي الله عنه) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Our Lord, glory be His, descends every night to the lowest Heaven, when only the last third of it remains, and He says: “Would there be one who supplicates to Me so that I may answer him? Would there be one who asks of Me so that I may give him? Would there be one who seeks My forgiveness so that I may forgive him?””. (al-Bukhārī: 1145, Muslim: 758)
[542] Testifying to the Oneness of God is the perfect epitome of Belief.
[543] Cf. 3:85. Ibn Taymiyyah (Jāmiʿ al-Masā’il, 6:220) says: “Islam is surrender to Allah alone. It conveys two meanings: yielding and surrender, and devoting one’s surrender to Allah alone”.
[544] The ‘face’ is used metonymically to mean a person’s whole self. It is chosen to represent the whole here because it is the most dignified part of the human body.
[545] al-Ummiyyūn, the Arab idolaters, who had neither a guiding Book nor any grasp of reading and writing, except very few of them. (Ibn Qutaybah, Gharīb al-Qur’ān, p. 101)
[546] Prophets, who are chosen by God from among the seething sea of humanity and set as examples for the rest, can never be killed on proper, justifiable grounds. However, bi ghayr ḥaqq (unjustifiably) is mentioned here to further highlight the repulsiveness of such a hideous act and that it is carried out carelessly and unreservedly (Ibn ʿĀshūr). According to the New Testament, Jesus said: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee” (Matthew xxiii, 37). See also Matthew xxiii, 34-35, Luke xi, 51, both of which refer to the murder of Zachariah.
[547] Bashshir-hum, literally means ‘give them good tidings’, and is used here rhetorically by way of mocking them. (Ibn ʿĀshūr)