[720] The real Believers.
[721] In other words, the hypocrites (cf. al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī). Those who were so consumed by their thoughts of the state they found themselves in. They were too tense and anxious to feel such a comforting, subtle sleepiness. In essence, their hearts were not pure enough to receive the blessing.
[722] al-Jāhiliyyah, the age of ignorance; the life the Arab pagans lead before the advent of Islam in which their perceptions about God were, to say the least, muddled. Here, seeing the Believers take the blows, they thought that God would not come to their help: “Nay but you thought that the Prophet and Believers would never go back to their homes, and that ˹thought˺ was to take hold of your hearts; you caught the evil thought—indeed you are people laid to waste” (48:12).
[723] The infinitely Wise God Almighty disposes of matters as He wills.
[724] Their brethren with whom they find a certain bond.
[725] The latter.
[726] Ghuzzan is the plural of ghāzī, the one who sets out on a fighting foray. (Ibn Qutaybah, Gharīb al-Qur’ān, p. 114, al-Sijistānī, Gharīb al-Qur’ān, p. 354)
[727] Here God makes the Believers privy to this devilishly inspired soliloquy of lament and deep regret of the Deniers/hypocrites at the misfortune that hit their so-called brothers. Without God, the lives they led were utterly inconsolable! A Believer should know for certain that all matters, including life and death, are in the Hands of God alone.
[728] The reward with God for those who dedicate themselves to His cause is, by far, better than any worldly gain.