[534] These are cited here as an example of how the laws and canons of God make the days of victory and defeat alternate between Believers and Deniers; a fact mentioned later in Aya 137. The example of Pharaoh, the mightiest of all Deniers, who fought against the frailest of Believers, the people of Moses, heartens the early Believing community of Madinah, who, by worldly measures, were always the weaker side in their early confrontations. The aya that follows gives them the good news of a Godly promise of victory.
[536] The Battle of Badr is evidence enough of God’s fulfilment of His promise to the Believers that they will defeat the Deniers.
[537] The Believers were made to realize prior to locking swords with the Deniers that the latter’s forces were actually double their own numbers and, by purely worldly standards, this meant that the party so much less in number would eventually be defeated. Yet, Divine Wisdom made them see this with their own eyes in such a way as to only further strengthen their Faith; they were totally dependent upon God for assistance and knew for sure that victory comes only from Him. (Ibn Kathīr)
[538] It is human nature to desire such things as are alluring. Yet the next two ayas explain that true Faith requires resisting worldly temptations, putting them second to seeking God’s Pleasure, and devoting oneself to God. For all this, the reward is eternal joy and bliss.
[539] Musawwamah, marked by their beauty. (al-Baghawī)
[540] Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī (رضي الله عنه) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Allah Almighty will call the people of Paradise: “People of Paradise!” They will reply: “All pleasure is Yours our Lord, yes!” He says: “Are you satisfied?” They reply: “Why wouldn’t we be when You gave us what You did not give any other of your creation!” He says: “I shall give you ˹yet˺ better than that!” They reply: “Lord! What is better than that?” He says: “I bestow My Pleasure upon you and I shall never be Displeased with you again”.” (al-Bukhārī: 6549, Muslim: 2829)