[1518] This passage delivers a knockout argument and highlights the folly of the heathen laws which, to say the least, lack wisdom and are prone to be derided if looked at critically as in this passage (al-Biqāʿī, Naẓm al-Durar).
[1519] “He created you from a single soul. Then He made from it its mate, and He produced for you from the grazing livestock eight mates...” (39: 6).
[1520] This brings into question the wisdom behind their declaring unlawful some of the mentioned kinds (males, females and embryos) but not all of them, and as to why some of these were made unlawful in particular and not all of them since the same principles apply in all parallel cases (cf. al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī). If a male sheep was declared unlawful then why not a he goat?; if a female sheep was declared unlawful then why not a she goat?; if an embryo in the womb of the female sheep was declared unlawful then, by the same token, why was the embryo in the womb of the she goat not declared so? (al-Rāzī, al-Shinqīṭī, al-ʿAdhb al-Namīr).
[1521] That is this peculiar choice is not justified by proper knowledge! (cf. al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī). It also mounts a challenge to the Arabs of the time who claimed to follow the creed of Abraham (عليه السلام).
[1522] This alludes to the fact that their so-called laws were not based on a revelation from the Creator of all things, Almighty God, which is the real source of proper knowledge (cf. al-Saʿdī).
[1523] Rijs is something which is abhorrently filthy and desecrated (cf. Ibn Qutaybah, Gharīb al-Qur’ān, Ibn Fāris, Maqāyīs al-Lughah, al-Iṣfahānī, al-Mufradāt). To these types of forbidden foods are added the ones in Aya 3 of Sura al-Mā’idah, a late Madinan sura, which ‘perfected’ the religion and detailed its rulings for Believers (cf. al-Qurṭubī). For a detailed discussion of the types mentioned here see Aya 173.
[1524] All that which is intended as sacrifice for others besides God is also added to this list of prohibited foods (cf. al-Ṭabarī, al-Saʿdī, Ibn ʿĀshūr).
[1525] This is mentioned here to further specify the generalization that all food is lawful except what was told of in the previous aya since lawful food applies to all humans and not only Believers; God-ordained rulings are thus detailed (cf. al-Biqāʿī, Naẓm al-Durar). Furthermore, since mention was made earlier of the fact that setting laws is to be backed by Divine revelation, such a law is cited as example here (cf. Abū Ḥayyān).
[1526] Clawed animals that have nails in their toes, e.g. camels, ostriches, duck, geese, etc. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)
[1527] The fat on animals’ backs, in their entrails or that which is mixed with bones are all exempted from this general ruling. (al-Ṭabarī, al-Shinqīṭī, al-ʿAdhb al-Namīr)