[1623]- Before whom nothing existed. Also, He who is supreme, foremost or uppermost.
[1624]- Enduring eternally when nothing else remains.
[1625]- Nothing being above Him. Another meaning is "the Apparent," i.e., evident through His creation and revelation.
[1626]- Nothing being nearer than Him by way of His knowledge. Another meaning is "the Unapparent," i.e., concealed from man's physical senses.
[1627]- See footnotes to 2:19 and 7:54.
[1628]- In knowledge - observing and witnessing.
[1629]- In ways pleasing to Allāh.
[1630]- To where light was acquired, i.e., in the worldly life.
[1631]- By hypocrisy or by falling into temptations.
[1632]- That similarly, Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) can soften a heart after its hardness and guide one who had previously been astray.
[1633]- Another accepted meaning is "And those who have believed in Allāh and His messengers - they are the supporters of truth. And the martyrs, with their Lord, will have their reward and their light."
[1634]- i.e., the Preserved Slate (al-Lawḥ al-Maḥfūẓ).
[1635]- Refusing to spend for Allāh's cause or refusing obedience to Him.
[1636]- As long as they refuse to believe in the message of Allāh which was conveyed through Muḥammad (ﷺ).
[1637]- See footnote to 2:19.