[3] Lit., "trunk," meaning the nose of an elephant or pig. These verses refer to Al-Walīd ibn al-Mughīrah, a leader of the pagans of Makkah and a staunch enemy of Islam. He called the Prophet (ﷺ) a madman, so the Qur’an responded by mentioning ten of Al-Walīd’s qualities. (See 53:33-35 and 74:11-26). Two of those qualities were not known to him: the fact that he was an illegitimate child and that his nose would be chopped off years later at the Battle of Badr. Khālid ibn al-Walīd and two of his brothers embraced Islam.
[9] i.e., It is a Day that everyone will find before him great difficulty. According to a long and authentic Hadīth of Abu Sa‘īd al-Khudrī, "the Shin" refers to that of Allah Almighty, before which every believer will prostrate on the Day of Judgment when the disbelievers and hypocrites will not be able to prostrate. The text of the Hadith is as follows: "... Then the Lord will uncover His Shank, so they will prostrate to Him...".
[11] Allah will increase favors upon them in this life as a trial, so they will increase sin, which will lead to their destruction.
[13] Instead, Allah accepted his repentance and provided for him means of recovery. See 37:139-148.