[697] Suffered a blow, in the Battle of Uḥud.
[698] al-Qawm, the other side who tasted bitter defeat during the Battle of Badr.
[699] This is the nature of time.
[700] Li yaʿlama Allāh, lit. “so that Allah may know”. A literal translation would cut against the grain of the correct Muslim Belief that Allah is Omniscient. According to scholars, it is in this instance ʿilm ẓuhūr or ʿilm shahādah; the kind of knowledge that enables one to bear witness confidently. This not only entails that the witness knows things for a fact but also that enough conclusive evidence is found and known.
[701] Thus God grants the lofty status of martyrdom ˹shahādah˺ to some of His servants.