[2282] This passage underlines the most critical issue over which the Believing and the Denying camps differ: God’s Godship (Ulūhiyyah) and Lordship (Rubūbiyyah). It also shows Who the Omnipotent Almighty God really is (cf. al-Saʿdī, al-Rāzī, Abū Ḥayyān).
[2283] This is a manifest sign of God’s omnipotence, and thus worthiness of worship (cf. Abū Ḥayyān) (for a detailed discussion cf. 7: 54): “Indeed your ˹True˺ Lord is Allah Who created the Heavens and Earth in six days, then Established Himself on the Throne; He shrouds night over day, relentlessly pursuing it; the sun, the moon and the stars are dominated by His Command; verily for Him ˹alone˺ is the creation and the Command—glorified be Allah, the Lord of all beings” (7: 54); “Allah is He Who has created the Heavens and Earth and everything in between in six days, then Established Himself on the Throne. You have no Protector or Intercessor besides Him. Will you not then be heedful?” (32: 4).
[2284] The verb istawā literally means rose and ascended in a manner befitting God Almighty’s Majesty only and unlike any of His creation. This Attribute of Almighty God (سبحانه وتعالى) should be established as it is without tashbīh (drawing analogies), takyīf (adaptation) or taʿṭīl (repudiation) (cf. Ibn Kathīr, al-Shawkānī).
[2285] God Almighty runs and oversees all of the affairs of His creation (cf. al-Ṭabarī, Ibn ʿAṭiyyah, al-Shawkānī): “There is no moving creature on Earth but its provision is due from Allah. He knows its residing place and its deposit; all is in a clear book” (11: 6).
[2286] This indicates God Almighty’s unbridled Kingship; He is not like any sovereign with whom people, especially an inner circle of close aides and relatives, dare to intercede, relying on his need for them. Instead, God is free from any need for help or assistance (cf. Ibn Taymiyyah, Iqtiḍā’ al-Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm, 2: 362): “Who is it, that is ˹so daring˺ to intercede with Him without His permission!” (2: 255)