[81] By extending to people useful things such as money, knowledge, kindness.
[82] All that is good and encouraged by Allah.
[83] i.e., make him responsible for his choice. [84] See 3:85.
[85] Arabs worshiped in the age of ignorance idols with female names, like: Lāt, ‘Uzzā, Manāt. See 53:19-20.
[86] They only worship false idols because Satan seduced them into this.
[87] The Arab idolaters used to cut off the ears of cattle as a sign that such were dedicated to their gods, making them unlawful to eat; calling such cattle bahīrah. By doing so, they followed the path of Satan, not that of Allah Who made the eating of cattle lawful.
[88] “Satan will say [to his followers on the Day or Judgment] after the matter has been settled: “Allah gave you a true promise; I also gave you promise, but I betrayed you...” See 14:22.