[18] The pagans of Makkah are recurrently reminded in the Quran that the Prophet (ﷺ) did not witness any of these events that happened centuries before his birth. See 12:102, 3:44, 11:49. So the only logical way of knowing about these stories is the divine revelation.
[19] So they forgot and neglected the ordinances of Allah over time.
[20] The Prophet (ﷺ) had no way of knowing these stories except through the revelation from Allah.
[21] The pagans of Makkah demanded that the Qur’an should have been revealed all at once like the Torah, and the Prophet (ﷺ) should have brought us tangible miracles like Moses’ staff, illuminating hand, etc.
[22] It refers to the pagans of Makkah concerning the Qur’an and the Torah.