[1] A wife should only be divorced after the completion of her monthly cycle and before sexual intercourse after purity, or else during a confirmed pregnancy. Her waiting period (‘iddah) begins with the pronouncement of divorce. See 2:228-233.
[2] Such as regret for divorcing or renewed desire for the wife.
[3] A husband may return to his wife after the first or the second divorce (revocable divorce) or at the end of her waiting period with dignity. If he divorces her a third time, the marriage is terminated at the end of her third waiting period (Irrevocable divorce). The wife will have to marry and get divorced by another man before she can remarry her ex-husband. See 2:230.
[4] i.e., relief from distress and inconvenience.
[5] This ruling for the waiting period of pregnant women applies also in case the husband dies.
[6] By compelling them to leave or to ransom themselves.
[7] i.e., the Qur’an or the Prophet (ﷺ), for he is mentioned in the next verse.
[8] i.e., seven earths.