[1] Adam, the single soul, and Eve its mate.
[2] People’s rights, especially those of kith and kin, are to be honored as much as Allah’s own rights.
[3] ‘Ā’ishah (رضي الله عنها) said: “This verse was revealed concerning any man under whom is an orphan girl for whom he is both guardian and inheritor, while she has money and with no one to argue in her favor. This guardian is enjoined not to marry her for her money, nor is he to beat or molest her in the process. In this respect, Allah says: “If you fear that you may not maintain justice with orphan girls [by marrying them] then marry women of your choice”. That is, He, the Almighty, is saying: “These I made lawful for you, and leave out those that you may be unfair to.”” [Al-Bukhārī: 4573, Muslim: 3018]
[4] The obligatory bridal gift (mahr).
[5] Test those orphans over whom you are guardian so as to make sure that they are discerning enough to be given their money and will not squander it due to lack of mental maturity.