[29] i.e., to seek judgment from anyone else, or to have a choice to accept or reject it.
[30] It refers to the Prophet's adopted son, Zayd ibn Hārithah, before the adoption was abolished.
[31] By guiding him to Islam.
[32] By emancipating him from bondage.
[33] i.e., the command of Allah to the Prophet (ﷺ) to marry Zaynab bint Jahsh after Zayd divorced her; in order to make clear to people that a man can marry a woman previously married to his adopted son.
[34] i.e., fear that people may say that he married the former wife of his adopted son.
[35] By making Allah’s command known to people.
[36] Concerning the Prophet’s (ﷺ) marriage with Zaynab bint Jahsh.
[37] i.e., the prophets and their followers who honestly convey Allah’s message to the people.
[38] Muhammad (ﷺ) is not the father of any men, neither Zaid (previously mentioned in verse 37) nor any other men. He (ﷺ) had three biological sons: Qāsim, Ibrāhim, and Abdullah; all of them died in their childhood.
[39] i.e., He praises you in the presence of the angels.