[1725]- i.e., claiming a particular lineage falsely. The description given in these verses is of al-Waleed bin al-Mugheerah (see also 74:11-25) or possibly, as asserted by Ibn Katheer, al-Akhnas bin Shurayq.
[1729]- i.e., remember or mention Him by saying, "...if Allāh wills." An additional meaning is "praise" or "thank" Him for His bounty.
[1732]- i.e., when everyone will find before him great difficulty. In accordance with authentic ḥadīths, "the shin" might also refer to that of Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā), before which every believer will prostrate on the Day of Judgement. See footnote to 2:19.
[1734]- Allāh will increase His favors to them in this world by way of trial, whereby they will sink deeper into sin and thus into destruction.
[1735]- But instead, Allāh accepted his repentance and provided means for his recovery. See 37:139-148.