[1697]- See rulings in 2:228-233. A wife should not be divorced except after the completion of her menstrual period but before sexual intercourse has occurred, or else during a confirmed pregnancy. The pronouncement of divorce begins her waiting period (ʿiddah).
[1698]- Such as regret or renewed desire for the wife.
[1699]- i.e., relief from distress.
[1700]- The ruling concerning pregnancy applies also in the case of the husband's death.
[1701]- During their waiting period (referring to wives whose divorce has been pronounced).
[1702]- So that they would be forced to leave or to ransom themselves.
[1703]- See 2:233.
[1704]- Some scholars have interpreted "dhikr" here as "a reminder," meaning the Messenger (ﷺ), since he is mentioned in the following verse.
[1705]- i.e., a similar number: seven.