Tradução dos significados do Nobre Qur’an. - Tradução para o inglês - Dr. Waleed Bleyhesh Omary (trabalhando)

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31 : 12

فَلَمَّا سَمِعَتۡ بِمَكۡرِهِنَّ أَرۡسَلَتۡ إِلَيۡهِنَّ وَأَعۡتَدَتۡ لَهُنَّ مُتَّكَـٔٗا وَءَاتَتۡ كُلَّ وَٰحِدَةٖ مِّنۡهُنَّ سِكِّينٗا وَقَالَتِ ٱخۡرُجۡ عَلَيۡهِنَّۖ فَلَمَّا رَأَيۡنَهُۥٓ أَكۡبَرۡنَهُۥ وَقَطَّعۡنَ أَيۡدِيَهُنَّ وَقُلۡنَ حَٰشَ لِلَّهِ مَا هَٰذَا بَشَرًا إِنۡ هَٰذَآ إِلَّا مَلَكٞ كَرِيمٞ

(31) When she heard of their cunning, she sent out for them and ˹carefully˺ prepared[2715] for them recliner couches and ˹deliberately˺ handed out each of them a knife[2716], and said: “Come out before them!” When they saw him, they highly admired him, cut their hands and said: “Nay, by God! This is no human being; this is nothing but a noble angel![2717] info

[2715] She went to great pains to prepare the scene for the effect she wanted to achieve. This can be read from the marked (special) lexical items employed here to describe her doing: aʿtadat muttaka’an (carefully prepared recliner couches), deliberately handed out (ātat) knives, and told Joseph (عليه السلام) ukhruj ʿalayhinna (lit. come out on them) by way of taking them by surprise. All this care paid off and their reaction was to her great satisfaction; they were awestruck and wounded their hands in the process; a tell-tale mark of their culpability (as we will come to see in Aya 50 below).
[2716] The knives were for the food that their host served them (cf. al-Ṭabarī, Ibn ʿAṭiyyah, al-Saʿdī).
[2717] In the long hadith of the Nocturnal Journey and Ascension (al-isrā’ wa al-miʿrāj), Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) described Prophet Joseph when he met him as a man who is: “Endowed with ˹a whole˺ half of ˹all human˺ handsomeness” (Muslim: 162).
