[2] Before Whom nothing existed; the foremost; the uppermost. [3] Eternal after Whom nothing remains. [4] High, nothing is above Him. [5] Nothing is nearer than Him by way of His knowledge; concealed from our physical senses.
[6] By His Knowledge - observing and witnessing all.
[7] In the way of Allah.
[8] See 7:172.
[9] Muslims were perceived as weak before the conquest of Makkah. Therefore, those believers who donated and fought in times of weakness and hardship deserve more rewards than those who did so when Muslims were victors and had an upper hand against the enemies.
[11] i.e., the worldly life from where the light was acquired. [12] This wall is said to be the barrier between Paradise and Hell, which is called Al-A‘rāf (the heights). See 7:46-49.
[13] By hypocrisy.
[14] Similarly, it is easy for Allah to soften the hearts and guide after misguidance.
[15] i.e., Paradise.
[16] i.e., the Preserved Tablet.
[17] Refuse to spend in the way of Allah or refuse obedience to Him.