Kilniojo Korano reikšmių vertimas - Vertimas į anglų k. - Ruad vertimų centras

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وَإِذۡ أَسَرَّ ٱلنَّبِيُّ إِلَىٰ بَعۡضِ أَزۡوَٰجِهِۦ حَدِيثٗا فَلَمَّا نَبَّأَتۡ بِهِۦ وَأَظۡهَرَهُ ٱللَّهُ عَلَيۡهِ عَرَّفَ بَعۡضَهُۥ وَأَعۡرَضَ عَنۢ بَعۡضٖۖ فَلَمَّا نَبَّأَهَا بِهِۦ قَالَتۡ مَنۡ أَنۢبَأَكَ هَٰذَاۖ قَالَ نَبَّأَنِيَ ٱلۡعَلِيمُ ٱلۡخَبِيرُ

And [remember] when the Prophet told one of his wives something in secret. Then when she disclosed it [to another wife], and Allah made it known to him, he told [the disclosing wife] part of what was disclosed and overlooked a part. When he informed her of that, she said, “Who informed you of this?” He said, “I was informed by the All-Knowing, the All-Aware. info