[802] Whilst the previous aya details the shares of inheritance of blood relatives (al-wirāthah bi al-nasab), this one explains the shares of those related through marriage (al-wirāthah bi al-muṣāharah). (Abū Ḥayyān)
[803] Wives.
[804] A person who has no living children or parents is known as kalālah (from iklīl, wreath, as his brothers and sisters surround him like a wreath surrounds the head). Ibn ʿAbbās (رضي الله عنهما) said: “I was the last person to see ʿUmar (رضي الله عنه) and I heard him say: “Mine is the final word! al-kalālah is the person who has neither children nor parents”. (Ibn Abū Ḥātim; its chain of narrators was deemed authentic by Aḥmad Shākir in ʿUmdat al-Tafāsīr).
[805] al-Rāzī in his Tafsīr says: “A will can be detrimental to inheritors in a number of ways: 1) whereby the testator bequeaths more than a third of the money; 2) whereby he/she bequeaths all their money to non-relatives; 3) whereby he/she falsely declares a debt to preclude heirs from the inheritance; 4) whereby the testator declares that a debt due to him/her was settled while it was not; 5) whereby someone sells something valuable for a pittance, or buys some worthless item and pays dearly for it with the intention of depriving heirs of the money; 6) whereby the testator bequeaths a third of the wealth not with pure intention but rather to lessen the share of the inheritors”.
[806] A binding commandment which you have to comply with. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn ʿĀshūr)
[807] All of the aforementioned rulings and dictates. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)