クルアーンの対訳 - 英語対訳 - Dr. Waleed Bleyhesh Omary - 作業中

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وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِي يَتَوَفَّىٰكُم بِٱلَّيۡلِ وَيَعۡلَمُ مَا جَرَحۡتُم بِٱلنَّهَارِ ثُمَّ يَبۡعَثُكُمۡ فِيهِ لِيُقۡضَىٰٓ أَجَلٞ مُّسَمّٗىۖ ثُمَّ إِلَيۡهِ مَرۡجِعُكُمۡ ثُمَّ يُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمۡ تَعۡمَلُونَ

(60) “He is the One Who terminates your ˹lives˺ at night[1384] and knows what you earn during the day, then He sets you off ˹again˺ during it ˹the day˺ so that a specified term comes to an end[1385]; then to Him is your return then He gives you the news about what you used to do[1386].” info

[1384] The taking of people’s souls away from their bodies during their sleep (known as al-wafāt al-ṣughrā; the lesser death) (cf. al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī): “Allah takes the souls of the dead and the souls of the living while they sleep - He keeps hold of those whose death He has ordained and sends the others back until their appointed time - there truly are Signs in this for those who reflect” (39: 42).
[1385] A person’s life.
[1386] On the Day of Judgement, God will bring people to account for their deeds after reviewing their records in public. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)
