クルアーンの対訳 - 英語対訳 - Dr. Waleed Bleyhesh Omary - 作業中

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121 : 16

شَاكِرٗا لِّأَنۡعُمِهِۚ ٱجۡتَبَىٰهُ وَهَدَىٰهُ إِلَىٰ صِرَٰطٖ مُّسۡتَقِيمٖ

(121) ˹He was˺ Thankful for His favours; He picked him and guided him to a straight path[3463]. info

[3463] “And We granted him ˹Ibrāhīm˺ Isḥāq ˹Isaac˺ and Yaʿqūb ˹Jacob˺; all these We guided – and We guided Nūḥ ˹Noah˺ before – and from his posterity ˹We guided˺: Dāwūd ˹David˺, Sulaymān ˹Solomon˺, Ayyūb ˹Job˺, Yūsuf ˹Joseph˺, Mūsā ˹Moses˺ and Hārūn ˹Aaron˺ – like so We reward the good doers – *Zakariyyā ˹Zachariah˺, Yaḥyā ˹John˺, ʿĪsā ˹Jesus˺, Ilyās ˹Elijah˺ – everyone ˹of them˺ is among the righteous –* Ismāʿīl ˹Ishmael˺, al-Yasaʿ ˹Elisha˺, Yūnus ˹Jonah˺ and Lūṭ ˹Lot˺ – everyone of them We preferred to all other humans – *and ˹were guided some˺ from among their fathers, posterity and brothers; We picked them and guided them to a Straight Path. *That is the guidance of Allah; He guides with it whomever He wills from among His servants. Had they Associated, what they used to do would have been laid to waste” (6: 84-88).
