[156]- In whose name.
[157]- i.e., request favors and demand rights.
[158]- i.e., fear Allāh in regard to relations of kinship.
[159]- When used in conjunction with Allāh's attributes, the word "ever" (occurring repeatedly throughout this sūrah and elsewhere, such as in sūrah al-Aḥzāb) is quite inadequate in imparting the sense of continuation expressed by the word "kāna" in Arabic, which indicates "always was, is, and always will be."
[160]- Ever-present and taking account of everything.
[161]- The obligatory bridal gift (mahr).
[162]- Knowing that it is lawful.
[163]- Although it is their property, Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) refers to it in the collective sense, reminding us that all wealth is provided by Him for the maintenance of the community as well as of individual members.