[140] Such as Moses (عليه السلام). [141] Such as Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
[142] Miracles and the Evangel (Gospel).
[143] Whose life is perfect, complete, and eternal, without beginning or end.
[144] Dependent on none for His existence while being the sustainer of all created beings.
[145] Dozing off and falling asleep are but normal to all creation that are inherently frail.
[146] Allah's knowledge encompasses every aspect of His creations in the past, present and future.
[147] Chair or footstool. It is not to be confused with al-‘Arsh (the Throne), which is infinitely higher and greater than al-Kursī.
[148] Above all of His creations and superior to them in essence, rank, and position.
[149] Whose greatness is unlimited, beyond description or imagination.
[150] This verse is known as Āyat al-Kursī, lit. The verse of the Footstool. It is the greatest verse in the Qur’an.
[151] This is a great Islamic principle whereby no one is to be coerced to believe, but it is the duty of the believers to make sure that people know what is right and what is wrong.
[152] False objects of worship, such as devils, idols, stones, sun, stars, angels, saints, graves, rulers, etc.
[153] This verse immediately follows Āyat al-Kursī for good reason, as the previous verse contains clear proofs of the Oneness and Greatness of Allah, which purges Godliness from all that are worshiped besides Allah (Tāghoot).