[1306] Here are three types of reaction to the Signs of God: first denying them and pretending to take no notice of them; secondly, casting aspersions on their truthfulness, and, thirdly, ridiculing and jeering at them. These three reactions are gradual and of varying intensity; the first being the less outspoken (cf. al-Rāzī, Abū Ḥayyān). This plays into the bigger picture being drawn here of the stance taken by the Makkan pagans on Islam and its call and highlights how stiff in their opposition to it they were.
[1307] Sooner or later, they will come to realize the Truth of what they Denied. One instance of this, as opined by Ibn ʿAbbās (رضي الله عنهما) (quoted in al-Ṭabarī), is the story of one of the Quraysh chiefs, namely al-Walīd Ibn al-Mughīrah, who was one of Islam’s brashest enemies and who is vividly described in Sura al-Qalam. He was told in that sura that he would be ‘branded on the snout’ (68: 16), and sure enough this news came true in the Battle of Badr, when his nose was smitten leaving an ineradicable, all visible mark on this most prominent site of pride, as per the Arab culture of the time. Yet, even this sign, he and the few around him did not heed. Another such notable example is the news of the victory of the Byzantines over the Persians after their humiliating defeats beginning in the year 613 up to 615, roughly three years after the Prophet (ﷺ) began his mission and in the midst of the heat of the onslaught against his call. A very remote possibility as it was, Sura al-Rūm gave an exact time for which the Byzantines would rebound and gain the upper hand over their enemies: “within a few (biḍʿ) years”, (30: 4). It was within biḍʿ (anywhere between three and ten years (cf. Ibn Manẓūr, Lisān al-ʿArab)) that this foretelling took place. In 622, i.e. six or seven years after the Qur’anic prediction, the tide indeed turned in favour of the Byzantines and they gained the upper hand over their enemies. Even this though was not enough of a Sign for the Deniers; clearly, darkness is what they languished in.
It has to be said that, as per many an exegete, the realization of the Truth of the news of the Qur’an, of which they were told, would be in this worldly life and/or in the Hereafter, when they would be brought before ultimate justice.