Traducción de los significados del Sagrado Corán - Traducción de inglés - Saheeh Internacional

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وَٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بِـَٔايَٰتِنَا هُمۡ أَصۡحَٰبُ ٱلۡمَشۡـَٔمَةِ

(19) But they who disbelieved in Our signs - those are the companions of the left.[1928] info

[1928]- Or "the companions of ill fortune," i.e., those who receive their records in their left hands and proceed to Hell.


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عَلَيۡهِمۡ نَارٞ مُّؤۡصَدَةُۢ

(20) Over them will be fire closed in.[1929] info

[1929]- The cover over Hell will be sealed and locked, containing its fire and its inhabitants.
