[1657]- See footnotes to 6:73.
[1658]- And owner of everything in existence.
[1659]- i.e., transcendent above any aspect belonging to His creation. Also, the possessor and grantor of blessings.
[1660]- Literally, "Free" from any imperfection. Also, "Peace" or "Soundness."
[1661]- And safety, i.e., reassurance that His promise is always fulfilled. Also, He who bestows faith.
[1662]- i.e., who observes, guards and protects. Also, "the Criterion."
[1663]- Refer to footnote in 2:129.
[1664]- Whose irresistible force is without limitation; the one above all things who compels the creation to be as He wills it. Also, "the Amender" or "the Rectifier" who repairs, restores, completes or sets something right once again, out of His mercy.
[1665]- Supreme, complete and perfect in His essence, attributes and actions.
[1666]- i.e., He who destined existence for His creation.
[1667]- i.e., He who brings His creation into existence.
[1668]- i.e., He who gives every creation its particular form.
[1669]- Refer to the final paragraphs of the "Introduction" for a brief discussion of these attributes.
[1670]- Refer to footnote in 6:18.