Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an - Luhya translation - International Society for Science and Culture

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فَإِذَا ٱسۡتَوَيۡتَ أَنتَ وَمَن مَّعَكَ عَلَى ٱلۡفُلۡكِ فَقُلِ ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ ٱلَّذِي نَجَّىٰنَا مِنَ ٱلۡقَوۡمِ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ

Ne olwa witsa okhunyoola obwihotselefu ewe nende abali halala ninawe mubwaro obo, boola mbu; “Okhwitsomibwa khwoosi nikhwa Nyasaye owakhuhabina efwe okhurulana nende Abandu ababii.” info