[620] They took a pledge to reveal their secrets and the Truth of what their Books really say only to those who follow their way and religion.
[621] This is the reply to the Believers’ detractors: guidance is in the Hand of God, and whatever you do will be of no avail if He does not wish it to happen (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr). This parenthetical interjection is meant to emphasize that their mischievous efforts and devious plans will be thwarted prematurely, even before they have the chance to bring them into action. (al-Alūsī)
[622] They fear that people, if taught what their Books really say, would be on an equal footing with them in terms of knowledge, so they hid it, fearing either to lose this advantageous privilege or that it be used in argument against them. (Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)
[623] Guidance to Belief and the Straight Path. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)