[1672]- i.e., close associates and friends.
[1673]- An example to be followed.
[1674]- To accomplish this or whatever He should will.
[1675]- See footnote to verse 1 of this sūrah.
[1676]- For marriage, i.e., compensate their loss.
[1677]- When a disbelieving wife chose to join the disbelievers, a Muslim husband could demand in return the equivalent of her mahr. Likewise, the disbelievers had a similar right when a believing woman joined the Muslims. This and the following verses were revealed subsequent to the Treaty of al-Ḥudaybiyyah.
[1678]- From the side of the disbelievers, i.e., war booty or a believing woman seeking refuge with the Muslims.
[1679]- This is an allusion to pregnancy and childbirth, i.e., to falsely attribute a child (whether adopted or born of adultery) to a woman's husband.