[5] See 2:173, 5:90.
[6] What is unlawful is running blood, not the blood captured in vessels after slaughter.
[7] Al-istiqsām bi al-azlām (lit. divining by casting lots): This was an Arab practice before Islam, whereby they had three lots (flat marked pieces of wood) dedicated to divinations. On each there was written either: “My Lord commanded me”, “My Lord forbade me”, or nothing at all. A person would abide by what the lot told him, but if he drew the empty one, he would recast again until he drew either one of the other two. [cf. al-Tabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Sa‘dī]
[8] All useful and enjoyable food that causes no harm to the body or the intellect.
[9] Such as dogs, falcons, etc.
[10] i.e., the bridal gift (mahr).