Prijevod značenja časnog Kur'ana - Prijevod na engleski jezik: dr. Velid Blejheš Omeri. (još se radi na ovome)

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71 : 17

يَوۡمَ نَدۡعُواْ كُلَّ أُنَاسِۭ بِإِمَٰمِهِمۡۖ فَمَنۡ أُوتِيَ كِتَٰبَهُۥ بِيَمِينِهِۦ فَأُوْلَٰٓئِكَ يَقۡرَءُونَ كِتَٰبَهُمۡ وَلَا يُظۡلَمُونَ فَتِيلٗا

(71) [3652]˹Mention Muhammad˺ The Day when We call each group of people by their leader[3653]; whoever is given his book in his right hand, then these read[3654] their book and are not dealt unjustly ˹even˺ with a filament! info

[3652] People will reap the benefits of their favouring, especially their intellectual faculties, in this life in the Hereafter (cf. Ibn ʿĀshūr) where the real ‘favouring’ will be manifested among people (cf. al-Biqāʿī, Naẓm al-Durar). Those who use these favours in this world come to know God, and thank Him for them, will be really favoured over all other humans on the Day of Judgement: “Look how We favoured some of them over others; indeed the Hereafter is greater in stations and greater in favouring!” (17: 21); “The Day that He gathers you for the Day of Gathering, that is the Day of Mutual Dispossession—whosoever Believes in God and works righteousness, He will absolve him of his evil deeds and cause him to enter Gardens under which rivers flow, to abide therein forever; that is the great triumph!” (64: 9)
[3653] Imāmihim (their leader) is the leader they used to follow in this worldly life (cf. al-Tafsīr al-Muyassar, al-Tafsīr al-Muḥarrar, al-Tafsīr al-Mukhtaṣar).
[3654] That is, the record of deeds will be read with great elation and happiness by the righteous, as they find the record of good deeds they did in this worldly life, not subtracted in the least (cf. al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī): “As for one who is given his book in his right hand, he will say: “Here, read my book * Truly I knew for certain that I would meet my reckoning. * So he shall enjoy a life contenting * in a lofty Garden *with low-hanging clusters. *“Eat and drink in enjoyment for that which you did in the past in days gone by!” * As for one who is given his book in his left hand, he will say: “Would that I had not been given my book * and did not know of my reckoning. *Would that it ˹death˺ were the final end. * My wealth availed me not. *My power has evaded me!” (69: 19-29).
