[890] Those who willingly subscribe to such outright lies and fabrications are consumed by deep set greed and lack of goodwill. Naturally, they want no good to come by others (cf. al-Rāzī).
[891] That Prophethood came to Muhammad (ﷺ), a non-Jew. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)
[892] God reminds them of His favours to their forefathers. The One, the Most Generous, Who is the sole Owner of kingship, can shower with favour whoever He wills and without asking permission from anybody, especially those who claim a right to it.
[893] All that was revealed to them besides the Scriptures. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)
[894] Like that of Solomon’s (عليه السلام).
[895] Ṣadda ʿan either means they turned their own faces away from it, or prevented others from setting their sights on it. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)
[896] Úill ẓalīl means an everlasting shade which the sun does not dissipate; a shade in which no biting cold, sultry heat, glaring light, gusty wind or heat wave passes through. (Ibn Fāris, Maqāyīs al-Lughah; al-Iṣfahānī, al-Mufradāt; al-Kafawī, al-Kulliyāt)
[897] To be trustworthy and fair are two great traits that all Believers need to carry. This is, in a way, an allusion to those who did not pass fair judgement when they declared that Deniers are more guided than Believers; they betrayed their trust (cf. al-Rāzī, Riḍā).
[898] Believers are instructed to give back what they have been entrusted with to its rightful owners: whole and without delay. (Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)
[899] Judge with fairness among disputants.
[900] As much as those who are in charge (ulī al-amr) are instructed to be fair and equitable and to uphold justice, those who receive their judgement are encouraged to obey (al-Rāzī, al-Tawḥīdī, al-Biqāʿī, Naẓm al-Durar).
Believers are told to obey those who are put in charge of their affairs given that what they tell them to do or follow is in accordance with the precepts of Islam, as detailed in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and is fair and equitable: “No one of the creation is ever to be obeyed in sinning against the Creator. Obeying only applies to what is deemed acceptable”. (Muslim: 1840, cf. also al-Bukhārī: 7145) ʿUbādah Ibn al-Ṣāmit (رضي الله عنه) said: “We swore an oath of allegiance to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) that we should listen and obey under all circumstances whether we like it or not, that we will not defy those who are in charge of us, and that we stand for what is right wherever we might be and never fear blame to carry out what Allah commands”. (al-Bukhārī: 7199, Muslim: 1840)
[901] Rebelling against commands and unruly behaviour cuts against the grain of social order.