[317]- i.e., worship.
[318]- The example given is of one who has lost his way and is further confused by the evil ones who tempt him to follow various directions, all leading to destruction. Although his sincere friends call him back to the right path, he ignores them.
[319]- When interpreted as the "Day" (of resurrection), the sentence would read: "And the Day He says, 'Be,' and it is, His word will be the truth."
[320]- That which is absent, invisible, or beyond the perception of the senses or of the mind and therefore is unknown to man, except for what Allāh chooses to reveal.
[321]- What is present, visible and known to man. The knowledge of Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) includes the reality of all things and all occurrences, no matter how they might appear to human beings.