[21] "None spoke in cradle but three: (The first child was Jesus). (The second was): There was a man from the Children of Israel called Jurayj. His story with his mother, and he was falsely blamed for illegal sexual relations with a prostitute. The baby born out of this illegal relation spoke and declared his real father who was a shepherd and not Jurayj, so he was finally proven innocent. (The third was in the following story): A lady from the Children of Israel who wished his nursing child to become like a handsome rider who passed by, and not like a slave-girl who passed by, but the child spoke and wished to be the otherwise. When she asked her child about the reason, he said: "The rider is one of the tyrants, while the slave-girl is falsely accused of theft and illegal sexual intercourse." [The story is detailed in Sahih al-Bukhāri: 645]