[1021] Here, the theme of upholding justice absolutely, no matter what the odds might be, is reiterated. This reinforces the main principles on which the Believing community is built: justice to all which is akin to Mindfulness (underlined in the previous group of Ayas 131-134).
[1022] Giving testimony should only be meant to please God alone; not to show off or brag. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)
[1023] When testifying, the rich should not be favoured for his wealth nor the poor in consideration of his condition. A Believer needs only to give his upright testimony and leave the rest to God, the Creator and Dispenser of affairs. He knows best. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)
[1024] “You who Believe, stand firm for Allah and uphold just testimony. Do not let ˹your˺ enmity for ˹some other˺ people lead you to injustice. Be just! That is closer to Mindfulness. And be Mindful of Allah. Surely Allah is well aware of what you do.” (5: 8)
[1025] Distorting facts while testifying. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī)