[2588] This imagery vividly captures how far they were gone in their wild lustfulness: “The people of the city came in ˹mad˺ joy ˹at news of the new arrivals˺. *He said: “These are my guests: disgrace me not! *Fear Allah, and shame me not!” (15: 67-69).
[2589] Exegetes hold different opinions as to who Prophet Lot (عليه السلام) exactly meant by ‘my daughters’. al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, Riḍā and Ibn ʿĀshūr have it that he meant by these, given that a Prophet is the patriarch of his nation, the assaulters’ own women. On the other hand, other exegetes, for example, al-Baghawī, Ibn ʿAṭiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim¸ al-Jawāb al-Kāfī, p. 172, are of the view that he actually meant his own biological daughters. al-Qāsimī further explains that this was to show that he was ready to protect his guests from defilement by whatever means was available, as a gesture of honour befitting a Prophet’s dictates, and in full realization that these men were only and wholeheartedly lusting after those of their own sex and that no such mere face-saving offer would lure them. Yet, Ibn al-Jawzī has it that this was an offer of marriage.