[1] The Quraysh pagans challenged the Prophet (ﷺ) to split the moon in two so that they believe in him. The moon was split as they requested and then re-joined, and the incident was reported by several eyewitnesses in different parts of the land; however, they still refused to believe, considering it magic.
[2] The prophets were given signs or miracles as a proof that they were commissioned by Allah. Moses (عليه السلام) was given the miracles of staff and a bright hand. Jesus (عليه السلام) would give life to the dead and heal the blind and the leper. Muhammad (ﷺ) was given the Qur’an, a literary miracle, challenging the masters of Arabic eloquence. Nonetheless, he (ﷺ) performed other miracles such as splitting the moon, increasing food and water, and healing some ailments.