[831] Such a man, who has no financial means to marry a free Believing woman, is allowed to marry a slave Believing woman should he fear distress from restraining his bodily needs. Given this allowance, he need not feel qualms about this union on the basis of the reality of the woman’s true Belief, which God only knows about, or her social standing because all people are born equal, being the descendants of the same parents, and whereby Believers are Muslim brothers and sisters. This marriage is also solidified by basing it on vows of chastity, handing over the woman’s dues to her, her knowledge that she should remain faithful on pain of punishment, and that their marriage is declared and approved of by her owner.
[832] Commit adultery.
[833] al-ʿAnat is extreme hardship and distress due to restraining one’s self from fulfilling sexual needs.
[834] Although such a hard pressed man is allowed to marry a slave Believing woman, it is better for him to control his urges and forbear, because such a scenario could lead to his children being enslaved by the mother’s owner, or even she being sold off, which would lead to greater distress and heartbreak (cf. Ibn ʿĀshūr).