[93] This is an account of sparing the Israelites the glare of the sun whilst they were lost in the wilderness. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Abū Ḥātim)
[94] In Arabic, al-mann and al-salwā, respectively. They both have linguistic roots in Arabic; al-mann means that which is God-given without effort, while al-salwā means that in which one finds consolation and comfort. (al-Ṭabarī, Ibn ʿĀshūr)
[95] Rhetorical shifts (known as uslūb al-iltifāt) from, for instance as in this aya, the second person plural pronoun ‘you’ into the third person plural pronoun ‘they’ is very common in the Qur’anic discourse. This well-known and well-researched linguistic feature is employed to serve a number of rhetorical purposes. In this instance, it is meant to announce that enumeration of the Israelites’ repeated offenses has come to an end and that talk is directed to other nations so that they may take heed and not fall into the same trap (cf. al-Qāsimī, Ibn ʿĀshūr, al-Dabl, Dalīl al-Balāghah al-Qur’āniyyah, p. 39).