[2495] In this reflective passage, we are given a privileged look at human nature and how people would normally fare in the face of Divine trial (as in Aya 7 above) (cf. Riḍā). It is comforting to the caller to the Truth to realize this home truth and to know that to do otherwise is uncharacteristic and requires extra effort; literally, a testing of patience coupled with wholehearted submission to the Will of God. Yet felicity and bountiful reward are due only to these select few.
[2496] This image, evoked by the verb ‘nazaʿa’, is that of forcefully tearing away something precious from the tight grip of someone holding on to it dearly. It is a very fitting image of how people are attached to their privileges and never succumb to forsaking them.
[2497] It is human nature, particularly among the well provided for who are bereft of the sweetness of Faith, to bask in the many Godly graces they are given forgetting that life is ever turbulent: in this way, they fail to seek everlasting pleasure in the Hereafter (cf. al-Ṭabarī, Ibn Kathīr, al-Saʿdī): “Man wearies not of supplicating for good, and if evil befalls him, he is despondent, despairing. * And if We make him taste ˹some˺ mercy from Us after hardship has befallen him, surely he will say: “This is mine; I think not that the Hour will come. If I am returned to my Lord, surely with Him shall I have that which is most beautiful”. So We shall certainly inform those who had Denied of that which they had done, and We shall certainly cause them to taste of an awful Punishment* And when We bless man, he turns away ˹from Us˺ and withdraws ˹haughtily˺. Yet when evil touches him, he is full of prolonged supplication” (41: 49-51).