[89] i.e., the disbelievers who raised arms against you. [90] i.e., the land of Makkah from which the Muslims were expelled. [91] Among the meanings of "fitnah" are: disbelief and its imposition on others, dissension, trial, and torment.
[92] Or disbelief, polytheism, prevention from the way of Allah, etc.
[93] The sacred months: Dhul-Qi‘dah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, and Rajab.
[94] Raise funds to prepare for a just fight. [95] By not making preparations.
[96] Fasting three days, feeding six poor of Haram (sanctified area of Makkah), or slaughtering a sheep or goat and distributing it among the poor of Haram.