[3699] The delivery of the Message usually takes years, if not even centuries as in the case of Prophet Noah (عليه السلام) (29: 14), of hard, toilsome work, example setting, and argumentation and counter-argumentation. Angels were not created for this role. This is why God sends human Messengers; with whom people can interact, relate to and see them acting upon their own teachings, thus providing role models to be emulated and followed. Angels descending to Earth have only one job: to deliver what is ‘true’; “either a Message to a human Messenger or a Punishment from God upon those who Deny it” (Mujāhid, quoted in al-Ṭabarī). “They ˹brashly˺ say: “O you to whom the Reminder is revealed! You must be insane! *Why do you not bring us the angels, if what you say is true?” *We do not send down the angels, save in Truth ˹Punishment˺, and were We to do so, they would be granted no respite” (15: 6-8); “They ˹further˺ said: “Had only there been an angel sent down to him!” Had We sent down an angel, the whole matter would have been ˹immediately˺ settled and they would not be given respite. *Had We made him an angel, We would have ˹certainly˺ made him ˹in the form of˺ a man and then We would have confused them for what they ˹contrive to˺ confuse” (6: 8-9).