ការបកប្រែអត្ថន័យគួរអាន - ការបកប្រែ​ជាភាសាអង់គ្លេស -មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលបកប្រែរ៉ូវ៉ាទ

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11 : 74

ذَرۡنِي وَمَنۡ خَلَقۡتُ وَحِيدٗا

Leave me to deal with the one whom I created lonely[5], info

[5] i.e., having no wealth or children. It refers to al-Walīd bin al-Mughīrah, who was impressed by the Qur’an, yet he publicly denied it to win the approval of the pagans of Makkah.
