ការបកប្រែអត្ថន័យគួរអាន - ការបកប្រែ​ភាសាអង់គ្លេស - តាគីយុទទីន​ ហុីឡេីលី និង ម៉ុហសុីន ខន

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16 : 53

إِذۡ يَغۡشَى ٱلسِّدۡرَةَ مَا يَغۡشَىٰ

 16. When that covered the lote-tree which did cover it![2] info

(V.53:16) It is said that the Lot-Tree was covered with the light of Allah along with the angels and also with different kinds of colours. (Please see T. Ibn Kathîr).
