[643] al-Birr is sincere piety which leads to great bounty, God’s Grace and Paradise. Ibn Masʿūd (رضي الله عنه) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Adhere to Truthfulness ˹aṣ-ṣidq˺ for it leads to sincere piety ˹al-birr˺, and sincere piety leads to Paradise”. (al-Bukhārī: 6094, Muslim: 2607) al-Tafsīr al-Muyassar, based on the opinion of the great Qur’an exegetes – Ibn Masʿūd, Ibn ʿAbbās, ʿAṭā’, Mujāhid, ʿAmr Ibn Maymūn and As-Suddī – actually has it that al-birr is Paradise itself in this instance. al-Qurṭubī says that rationalization of this opinion is such that it means: “You will not attain the reward of sincere piety until…”. By contrast to the fate of the Deniers whose good deeds in this world, whatever these might be, will be of no avail to them, Believers are encouraged to choose for spending the best of theirs in order to be admitted into God’s great Grace of Paradise. Sincere piety and its reward, Paradise, is only attained when one prevails over one’s self, loves God more than anything else and is willing to sacrifice everything in His cause.