[1] Khawlah bint Tha‘labah and her husband Aws ibn As-Sāmit had a disagreement. She came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said that her husband made her unlawful to himself as the zahr (back) of his mother, which was a famous type of divorce in Arabia, called zihār. He (ﷺ) told her that he had not received any revelation in this regard. Finally, this Madinian surah was revealed, and abolished this ancient practice.
[2] By saying to one's wife, "You are to me like the back of my mother," meaning unlawful to approach, which was abolished by the revelation of these verses.
[3] See footnote 4:92.
[4] He is with them by His knowledge.
[5] This is referring to the Jews who used to play with words while addressing the Prophet (ﷺ) to ridicule him, saying "Asāmu ‘alaikum" (death be upon you) instead of "Asalamu ‘alaikum" (peace be upon you).
[6] Referring to the sinful type of secret talks, as mentioned in the previous verses, or two persons speaking in private in the presence of a third, leading him to assume that he is the subject of their talk.
[7] In this life or in the Hereafter.
[8] Thinking that their lies will be believed and that they will escape punishment.
[9] Spirit here means His revelation, light, or His help.