[2478] Essentially, this passage succinctly captures the general purport of the Message: people should worship God Almighty alone and none besides Him (cf. Riḍā): “We sent no Messenger before you ˹Muhammad˺, save that We revealed to him ˹to say to people˺: “Verily, there is no god but I ˹Allah˺: so worship Me!” (21: 25).
It is significant to note that certain utterances/lexical items are strategically deployed and repeated throughout this sura thereby establishing connectivity and relevance. Through these the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is given strong relation to his ‘brothers’, the earlier Noble Messengers of God. This relationship is especially important as it gives the Messenger (ﷺ) a point of reference, a precedence in which he can find an example and it ‘braces’ his heart (cf. Aya 120 below) in the face of the circumstances he was enduring at the time of this sura’s revelation. Among these utterances, we find in this passage: “You should worship none but Allah”, “Seek your Lord’s forgiveness and thereafter repent to Him”, “I fear for you the Punishment of a great Day” and variants of: “To Allah you shall all return—surely He is Able over everything”. The general tenor of the Message is the same throughout all ages.
[2479] “We sent you ˹Muhammad˺ not, save as a harbinger of good news and a warner to mankind entirely; but most of mankind know not!” (34: 28).