[40] Al-Rabbāniyyūn (sing. rabbānī) are men of extensive knowledge, both religious and worldly. This includes the wise scholar, the mindful jurisprudent, the reforming teacher, and the person who enjoins others to uphold the teachings of religion.
[41] The guardians of Divine law should bear the fear of Allah first and foremost and not that of fellow men, nor are they to be swayed by bribes and worldly gains.
[42] This verse alludes to the law known as "lex talionis" (law of retaliation/reciprocal justice) which states that justice should be carried out: ‘ayin tachat ‘ayin, “an eye for an eye”, as told in the Torah (Exodus 21: 24) but which was distorted from its proper, fully-known position. The Qur’an re-establishes this principle.
[43] Forgiveness is not only encouraged by Allah but is also rewarded for.